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 Price List

Great Cuts! Great Advice!

 Mobile Hairdresser Price List
10% off 3 or more in one house!

Best value is when more people have haircuts in one place. why not get

family and friends together!

Single Bookings

1 x adult


1 x teen


1 x child/toddler;

daytime - £40

premium time - £50


Want to add more people

to group bookings?

Add toddler - £10

Add child - £12

Add teen - £15

Add adult - £25


Perm to include cut/ bdry - £90

Henna &
Natural Colouring -
Group Bookings 

2 x adult

daytime - £65

premium time - £75


2 x toddler or child  

daytime - £40

premium time - £50 


2 x teen  

daytime - £50  

premium time - £60


2 x adult + 1 x toddler

daytime - £75 

premium time - £85


2 x adult + 1 x child

daytime - £77 

premium time - £87


2 x adult + 2 x child

daytime - £89

premium time - £99

Please Note:

Toddler - age 3's and under

Child - age 4 to 11

Teen - age 12 to 15 

Adult - age 16 up


Premium time

from 4.30pm or Saturday 


Restyles or very long or thick hair

may incur a higher cost - price on consultation.


Helpful Hints

​On hair care & styling ideas

Colouring Advice

Info on hair colour including natural herbal, henna and organic

​Always Free

 Customer Reviews
New Customers

**10% off everyone's hair

with 3 or more in one house on your first appointment!!**

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